Thursday 23 February 2017

Memoir story

Can kittens see windows?

Ralph (our new kitten) has been with us for about 5 weeks now. He had also been trapped in a room for 3 weeks. He was over it!

One windy day, on a Saturday afternoon, Ralph was as playful as a puppy. So I went in his room to give him some attention. He was lying on the edge of the bed  watching the leaves fly by one by one. I sat beside him stroking his head.

As more leaves flew past, the more interested he got. He crouched down low wiggling his back. He pounced across the bed heading straight for the leaf. What he didn't realise was that there was a layer of glass stopping him from getting the leaf. He bounced head first into the glass, then rebounding off the bed and onto the ground.

I couldn't stop laughing!!!

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