Thursday 6 April 2017

Punctuation practice writing

WALT: Write using correct punctuation. We also had to use 4 commas, 1 semicolon and an if, if, if, then sentence.

I woke up with a fright, the chill told me something was wrong.

A sudden scream caught my attention, making my heart drop. I rushed down the old, crooked, hardwood stairs in a stage on panic; meanwhile the couch was getting cold. I stepped into the bedroom to find my sister lying on the ground. I knew she has been ill, so I checked her pulse..........Nothing came through. If I had stayed with her, if I had listened to my instincts, if I had been a better sister, then maybe she would have survived.
As I thought back on it, I soon realised that it was my fault help didn't get to her sooner, it was my fault wasn't still alive.
I knew I had let her down...

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